2024 Haunted Montrose VIP Event
For Seventeen chilling seasons, Haunted Montrose has reigned as the premier haunted house of the South, beckoning daring souls into its darkened depths with promises of terror and thrills. Dare to venture through its sinister corridors, where every creaking floorboard and flickering shadow seems alive with the whispers of the past. As you navigate its twisted passages and face its ghastly inhabitants, the line between reality and nightmare blurs, leaving patrons trembling in fear and haunted by the unforgettable horrors within. Join us as we unravel the spine-tingling legacy of Haunted Montrose, where the screams of the brave echo through the ages, and the spirits of the forgotten await their next unsuspecting victim.
2024 Haunted Montrose e-Ticket - $28.00

By accepting these terms, you state that you are the owner of the credit card, whose name appears on the card being used to complete the sale.  You agree to accept all responsibility for the charges associated with this transaction.  By completing the sale, you are hereby bound by the terms of this sale.

You acknowledge and understand that ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL AND NON-REFUNDABLE. Once a ticket is purchased, no cancellations or refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise, however, we will not accommodate cancellations or provide refunds. It is the responsibility of the ticket purchaser to carefully review all details, including event dates, times, and any restrictions before completing the purchase.

In the event of a cancellation or rescheduling of an event by the organizer, we will make reasonable efforts to communicate the changes to ticket holders and facilitate any necessary refunds or exchanges as determined by the organizer.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this cancellation policy, please contact our customer support team at 478-246-4687.

WARNING: You will experience intense audio, lighting, extremely low visibility, strobe lights, fog, damp and or wet conditions, moving floors, special effects, sudden actions, and an overall physically demanding environment.
  • Do not enter if you suffer from asthma, heart conditions, are prone to seizures, physical ailments, respiratory or any type of medical problem, or are pregnant or suffer any form of mental disease including claustrophobia.
  • Do Not Enter Haunted Montrose if you are intoxicated, wearing any form of cast, or medical brace, using crutches, or have any type of physical limitations.
  • Do Not Enter if you are taking medication or using drugs of any type.  
  • Do not smoke, vape, run, eat, or drink while inside Haunted Montrose.  
  • No smoking on the property.
  • No touching the actors, customers, or props inside the attraction.
  • No video or photography may be taken inside the attraction.
Haunted Montrose reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone.

Thank you for choosing Haunted Montrose, and we look forward to providing you with a terrifying experience.


1917 Academy Street
Montrose, GA 31065



Haunted Montrose


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